Schuco, 28 Modelle, W.-Germany, 1:66 + 1:43, Druckguss, 6x Mängel, sonst Z 1
Schuco, 28 models, W.-Germany, 1:66 + 1:43, diecast, 6x defects, otherwise C 1
Schuco, Märklin u.a., Konvolut Modellautos, 1:87, 1:43 u.a., meist sehr guter Zustand, Fundgrube
Schuco, Märklin a.o., Bundle model cars, 1:87, 1:43 a.o., mostly very good condition, treasure trove
Matchbox, Koffer mit 40 Modellen (Corgi + Matchbox), gemischter Zustand, bitte besichtigen
Matchbox, suitcase with 40 models (Corgi + Matchbox), mixed condition, please inspect
Märklin, 8 PKWs + LKWs, W.-Germany, 1:43, Druckguss, LM, bitte besichtigen
Märklin, 8 cars + trucks, W.-Germany, 1:43, diecast, paint d., please inspect
Autoart, 3x Porsche, 1:18, neuwertig + OVP
Autoart, 3x Porsche, 1:18, as new + orignally packed
Minichamps, 3x Porsche, 1:18, neuwertig + OVP
Minichamps, 3x Porsche, 1:18, as new + originally packed
Matchbox, 40 Fahrzeuge, England, Druckguss, meist neu lackiert
Matchbox, 40 vehicles, England, diecast, mostly repainted
Rio, 45 Autos, Italy, 1:43, neuwertig + OVP
Rio, 45 cars, Italy, 1:43, as new + originally packed
Franklin Mint u.a., 15 Oldtimer, 1:18, teilw. min. Mängel, meist guter Zustand
Franklin Mint a.o., 15 vintage cars, 1:18, part. min. defects, mostly good condition
Matchbox, 70 Fahrzeuge, England, teilw. LM, Fundgrube
Matchbox, 70 vehicles, England, part. paint d., treasure trove
Wiking, 16 PKW 60er Jahre + 2 Automobilia Quartette, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 16 cars from the 60s + 2 Automobilia quartets, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1
Scalextric, Fly u.a., 7 Slot Cars, Spain, 13 cm, neuwertig + OVP
Scalextric, Fly a.o., 7 slot cars, Spain, as new + originally packed
CMC u.a., 8 Modellautos, 1:18 + 1:24, meist guter Zustand
CMC a.o., 8 model cars, 1:18 + 1:24, mostly good condition
Wiking, 14 unverglaste + 12 verglaste Modelle der 50er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1/1-
Wiking, 14 unglazed + 12 glazed models of the 50s, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1/1-
Wiking, 14 Modelle 50/60er Jahre + 6 Preislisten, Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, 14 models from the 50/60s + 6 price lists, Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Brumm, 50 Fahrzeuge Serie Oro, Italy, 1:43, meist neuwertig + OVP
Brumm, 50 Vehicles Serie Oro, Italy, 1:43, mostly as new + originally packed
Wiking, Bastel + Ersatzteile, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, sehr umfangreich, bitte besichtigen
Wiking, spare parts + parts for tinkerer, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, very extensive, please inspect
Porsche, 8 Werbemodelle, 1:43, Druckguss, neuwertig + OVP
Porsche, 8 advertising models, 1:43, diecast, as new + originally packed
Matchbox, Konvolut Fahrzeuge Matchbox Buch, teilw. LM, teilw. beschädigt, Fundgrube
Matchbox, Bundle vehicles + Matchbox book, part. paint d., part. damaged, treasure trove
Norev, Solido u.a., 11 PKWs, 1:43, Kst + Druckguss, meist sehr guter Zustand
Norev, Solido a.o., 11 cars, 1:43, plastic + diecast, mostly very good condition
Wiking, Konvolut Fahrzeuge, meist LKW, W.-Germany, Kst, teilw. Mängel, bitte besichtigen
Wiking, bundle vehicles, mostly trucks, W.-Germany, plastic, part. defects, please inspect
UT Models, 3x Porsche, 1:18, neuwertig + OVP
UT Models, 3x Porsche, 1:18, as new + originally packed
Autoart u.a., 3 Porsche Werbemodelle, 1:18, neuwertig + OVP
Autoart u.a., 3 Porsche advertising models, 1:18, as new + originally packed
Matchbox, 30x Models of Yesteryear, 1:43, Druckguss, neuwertig + OVP
Matchbox, 30x Models of Yesteryear, 1:43, diecast, as new + originally packed