Daiya u.a., 3 Fahrzeuge, Z 1-3
Daiya a.o., 3 cars, C 1-3
Beiwagenmotorrad, UDSSR, 23 cm, Blech, UW ok, Okt Z 1-, Z 1-
Motorcycle with sidecar, USSR, 23 cm, tin, cw ok, box C 1-, C 1-
Sammler Kontor, 4 VW Busse u. Porsche 356, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Okt Z 1, Z 1
Sammler Kontor, 4 VW busses and 1 Porsche 356, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, box C 1, C 1
Yonezawa, Amica Toy, 2 Batterieautomaten, Japan, 24 - 22 cm, GemBw, Bat. Antrieb defekt, Blushing Willy Bat. Deckel fehlt, Okt Z 2/ Z 2 , Z 2-/ Z 1-
Yonezawa, Amica Toy 2 battery toys, Japan, 24 - ...
Hund Zauberer & Bobo The Magician, 20-21 cm, UW ok, LM, Z 2-3
Dog magician & Bobo The Magician, 20-21 cm, cw ok, paint d., C 2-3
Schleich u.a., 4 Figuren, W.-Germany, Kst, 14 - 16 cm, teilw. LM, Z 1-3
Schleich a.o., 4 figures, W.-Germany, 14 - 16 cm, plastic, part. paint d., C 1-3
Köhler, 2 Enten, US Z. Germany + W.-Germany, 7-9 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2
Köhler, 2 ducks, US Z. Germany + W.-Germany, 7-9 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C 2
Köhler, 2x Singvogel, W.-Germany, 9 cm, Blech, 2 Füsse gebrochen; UW + Stimme ok, Z 2
Köhler, 2x singing bird, W.-Germany, 9 cm, tin, 2 feet broken, cw + voice ok, C 2
Höfler, 2 Katzen in Tätigkeit, Germany, 11 cm, UW ok, LM, Z 3
Höfler, 2 cats, Germany, 11 cm, cw ok, paint d., C 3
Fischer, 2x Penny Toy Feuerwehren & Flugzeug, Germany, 8-9 cm, Z 2
Fischer, 2x Penny Toy fire engines & airplane, Germany, 8-9 cm, C 2
Fischer u.a., 4 Transport Penny Toys, Germany, 8-10 cm, LM, Z 3
Fischer a.o., 4 transport Penny Toys, Germany, 8-10 cm, paint d., C 3
Gely u.a., 3 Tier Drückspiele, Germany VK, 8-15 cm, Z 1-2
Gely a.o., 3 animal press games, Germany pw, 8-15 cm, C 1-2
Windmühle, Drückspiel, Germany VK, 18 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, LM, Z 2
Windmill, press game, Germany pw, 18 cm, function ok, tin, paint d., C 2
Konvolut Blechspielzeug, Z 1-2
Bundle tin toys, C 1-2
Cursor, VW T2 Bus 211, W.-Germany, 1:40, Kst, Okt Z 2, Z 1
Cursor, VW T2 Bus 211, W.-Germany, 1:40, plastic, box C 2, C 1
Dinky Toys, 111 Cinderella´s Coach, gold, England, 1:43, Druckguss, Okt Z 2, Z 1
Dinky Toys, 111 Cinderella´s Coach, gold, England, 1:43, diecast, box C 2, C 1
Siku, 3728 Ballongespann, Okt Z 2, Z 1
Siku, 3728 Ballongespann, box C 2, C 1
Dancing Doll, Japan, 17 cm, UW ok, Okt, Z 2
Dancing Doll, Japan, 17 cm, cw ok, box, C 2
Hanson, Porsche 943, Hong Kong, 16 cm, Kst, Okt, Z 1
Hanson, Porsche 943, Hong Kong, 16 cm, plastic, box, C 1
Märklin, 2 Wagen & Bing Bahnsteigautomat, Spur 0, Z 2-3
Märklin, 2 wagons and Bing, ticket machine, gauge 0, C 2-3
Technofix, Bahn mit 2 Fahrzeugen, LM, Z 3
Technofix, track with 2 vehicles, paint d., C 3
2x Bump n go car & Günthermann Ford, Blech, LM, Z 2-3
2x Bump n go car & Günthermann Ford, tin, paint d., C 2-3
Konvolut Blechspielzeug, meist Z 2
Bundle tin toys, mostly C 2
Schuco, Mercedes C111 & BMW, W.-Germany, Z 2
Schuco, Mercedes C111 & BMW, W.-Germany, C 2