Elastolin, Lineol u.a., Konvolut Soldaten, 7 cm, Masse, meist Schäden, Z 3
Elastolin, Lineol a.o., bundle soldiers, 7 cm, composite, mostly damaged, C 3
Elastolin, Lineol u.a., Konvolut Soldaten, 7 cm, Masse, meist Schäden, Z 3
Elastolin, Lineol a.o., bundle soldiers, 7 cm, composite, mostly damaged, C 3
Elastolin, Lineol u.a., Konvolut Soldaten, 7 cm, Masse, meist ausgebessert
Elastolin, Lineol a.o., bundle soldiers, 7 cm, composite, mostly repainted
Elastolin, Lineol u.a., Konvolut Soldaten, 7 cm, Masse, meist Schäden oder ausgebessert, Z 3
Elastolin, Lineol a.o., bundle soldiers, 7 cm, composite, mostly damaged or refinished, C 3
Elastolin, Lineol u.a., Konvolut Soldaten, 7 cm, Masse, meist Schäden oder ausgebessert, Z 2-3
Elastolin, Lineol a.o., bundle soldiers, 7 cm, composite, mostly damaged or refinished, C 3
Elastolin, Konvolut SA Figuren, Germany VK, 7 cm, Masse, LM, Z 3-4
Elastolin, bundle SA figures, Germany pw, 7 cm, composite, paint d., C 3-4
Elastolin, Lineol, Konvolut Lagerleben, Germany VK, 7 cm Serie, HJ Figur neu lackiert, sonst Z 1-2
Elastolin, Lineol, bundle soldier camp, Germany pw, 7 cm series, HJ figure repainted, otherwise C ...
Britains, Elastolin, 5 Reiter u.a., Beduinen, Fritz, Ritter, VK, Masse, Guss, Z 2
Britains, Elastolin, 5 riders, pw, composite, diecast, C 2
Elastolin, Lineol, Konvolut Soldaten im Kampf, Germany VK, 7 cm Serie, Z 1-2
Elastolin, Lineol, bundle fighting soldiers, Germany pw, 7 cm, C 1-2
Elastolin, Lineol, Konvolut Soldaten im Marsch, Reiter, Germany VK, 7 cm Serie, Z 1-2
Elastolin, Lineol, bundle marching soldiers, riders, Germany pw, 7 cm, C 1-2
Hausser, Geschütz, Germany VK, 47 cm, Guss, min. LM, Z 2+
Hausser, gun, Germany pw, 47 cm, min. paint d., C 2+
Lineol, Elastolin, 3x Luftwaffe, Hitler Sitzfigur und 2 Fahnen, 7 cm, Hitler Replika, sonst Z 1-2
Lineol, Elastolin, 3x Luftwaffe, Hitler sittingfigure and 2 flags, 7 cm, Hitler replica, otherwise ...
Elastolin, Konvolut SA Figuren, Germany VK, 7 cm, Masse, Z 2
Elastolin, bundle SA figures, Germany pw, 7 cm, composite, C 2
Elastolin u.a., Konvolut diverse Figuren, Polizist, Bahnsteig u.a., 6-7 cm, Z 1-2
Elastolin a.o., bundle sev. figures, policeman, railway a.o., 6-7 cm, C 1-2
Burg, Holz, Masse, VK, 57x33x45 cm, LM, Z 2
Castle, wood, composite, pw, 57x33x45 cm, paint d., C 2
Gescha, Manövrier Tank mit Fernsteuerung, W.-Germany, 20 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, Okt Z 1, Z 1-
Gescha, Manoeuvre tank with remote control, W.-Germany, 20 cm, tin, function ok, box C 1, C 1-
Flugzeug Bausatz "NS Fliegerkorps", Germany VK, Pappe
Plane construction kit "NS Fliegerkorps", Germany pw, paperboard
Elastolin, 4 Normannen, W.-Germany, 7 cm, Kst, 2x Bemalung 1, 2x Bemalung 2, Z 1/1-
Elastolin, 4 Normans, W.-Germany, 7 cm, plastic, 2x painting 1, 2x painting 2, C 1/1-
Schulklasse mit 5 Figuren, Germany, 42x22 cm, Holz + Masse, ungemarkt & undatiert, sehr dekorativ
School class with 5 figures, Germany, wood + composite, unmarked, very decorative
Bauernhof mit Tieren & Figuren, Germany, 46x32 cm, Holz, Masse
Farm with figures and animals, wood, composite, Germany, 46x32 cm
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2600, US Z. Germany, 17 cm, Blech, UW ok, Okt, Z 2+
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2600, US Z. Germany, 17 cm, tin, cw ok, box, C 2+
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2500, W.-Germany, 17 cm, Blech, UW ok, Z 1-2
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2500, W.-Germany, 17 cm, tin, cw ok, C 1-2
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2500, W.-Germany, 17 cm, Blech, Antrieb ok, LM, Z 2-
Arnold, Military Police Jeep 2500, W.-Germany, 17 cm, tin, drive ok, paint d., C 2-
Tippco, 3 Originalkartons, Germany, Z 1-2
Tippco, 3 original boxes, Germany, C 1-2