Tippco, Jagdflieger ME 110 Micky Maus, Germany VK, 27x37 cm, Blech, LM, UW ok, Z 3
Tippco, airplane ME 110 Mickey Mouse, Germany pw, 27x37 cm, tin, paint d., cw ok, C 3
Tippco, JU 52, Germany VK, 27x37 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2
Tippco, JU 52, Germany pw, 27x37 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C 2
Tippco, "Führerwagen" mit Licht, Germany VK, Z 2+
Tippco, "Führerwagen", illuminated, Germany pw, C 2+
Lineol, Affenbaum, Germany VK, Höhe 15 cm, Masse, altersbedingte Risse
Lineol, monkey tree, Germany pw, height 15 cm, composition, cracks due to age
Schreiber, Schaufenstermodell Obersalzberg, Haus mit Beleuchtung, Pappe/Holz, Schienen 6er Kreis mit drei Bing uralt Wagen, 45x38x40 cm
Schreiber, Obersalzberg showcase model, house with lighting, ...
Elastolin, 7 spielende Kinder, Germany VK, 8-9 cm, Masse, teilw. LM, sonst gut
Elastolin, 7 kids playing, Germany pw, 8-9 cm, composition, partly paint d., otherwise good
Tipple Topple, 6 Musiker, je 12 cm, Masse, Z 2+
Tipple Topple, 6 musicians, each 12 cm, composition, C 2+
Flugzeug Spiel, wohl Bing, Germany VK, 38 cm, UW ok, handlackiert, min. LM
Airplane game, poss. Bing, Germany pw, handpainted, 38 cm, cw ok, min. paint d.
Tippco, Führerwagen, Germany VK, 23,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, sehr schöner Originalzustand, Z 1
Tippco, Führerwagen, Germany pw, 23,5 cm, tin, cw ok, nice original condition, C 1
Märklin, Protze mit 2 Pferden, Germany VK, Figuren 5 cm, min. Lackmängel, Z 2+
Märklin, Protze with 2 horses, Germany pw, figures 5 cm, min. paint d., C 2+
Heyde, Reiterfigur, Germany VK, Höhe 17 cm, Metall, Z 1-
Heyde, equestrian figure, Germany pw, height 17 cm, metal, C 1-
Tippco, Führerwagen, Germany VK, 23,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, min. farblich ausgebessert, Z 2
Tippco, Führerwagen, Germany pw, 23,5 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., paint min. refinished, C 2
Hausser, Krupp Mannschaftswagen, Germany VK, 24,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, Z 1-2
Hausser, Krupp personnel carrier, Germany pw, 24,5 cm, tin, cw ok, C 1-2
Pfeiffer, 5 Figuren, Germany VK, 4-6 cm, Masse, Z 2+
Pfeiffer, 5 figures, Germany pw, 4-6 cm, composition, C 2+
Lineol, Militär LKW mit Plane, Germany VK, 25 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Z 2-3
Lineol, military truck with tarpaulin, Germany pw, 25 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., C 2-3
Tippco, 100 Schuss Panzer, Germany VK, 23 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2+
Tippco, 100 shot tank, Germany pw, 23 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C 2+
Tippco, Halbkettenfahrzeug mit Geschütz, Germany VK, 22 cm, 27 cm, bei Geschütz eine Radabdeckung ersetzt, Blech, UW ok, Z 2
Tippco, half-track vehicle with canon, Germany pw, 22+27 cm, tin, one fe...
Tippco, 100-Schuss Panzer, Germany VK, UW defekt, im Lineol Okt, sonst Z 2
Tippco, 100-Schuss tank, Germany pw, cw defective, in Lineol box, otherwise C 2
Göso, Flak LKW mit Scheinwerfer Anhänger, Germany VK, 42 cm, UW ok, Z 2
Göso, truck with gun and search light trailer, Germany pw, 42 cm, cw ok, C 2
Hausser, Krupp LKW mit Flak, Germany VK, 26 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Z 2-
Hausser, Krupp truck with flak, Germany pw, 26 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., C 2-
Lineol, Panzerspähwagen, Germany VK, 26 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2
Lineol, armoured scout vehicle, Germany pw, 26 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C2
MSW, Kübelwagen NVA, DDR, 20 cm, Blech, UW ok, Okt, Z 1
MSW, Kübelwagen NVA, GDR, 20 cm, tin, cw ok, box, C 1
Tippco, Halbkettenfahrzeug, Germany VK, 22 cm, Blech, UW ok, Metallketten, mit 9 Figuren, LM, Z 2
Tippco, half-track vehicle, Germany pw, 22 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., metal tracks, with 9 figures, ...
Tippco, Halbkettenfahrzeug, Germany VK, 22 cm, Blech, UW ok, Mimikry, Metallketten, mit 9 Figuren, Z 2+
Tippco, half-track vehicle, Germany pw, 22 cm, tin, cw ok, mimicry, metal tracks, with 9 figu...
Tippco, Bombenflugzeug TCO-1029, Germany VK, 30 cm, Blech, UW ok, restauriert
Tippco, airplane TCO-1029, Germany pw, 30 cm, tin, cw ok, restored
Märklin, Hinterlade Kanone, Germany VK, 28 cm, min. LM, Z 2
Märklin, Canon, Germany pw, min. paint d, C 2
Arnold, Panzerspähwagen 562, Germany, 26 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 1-
Arnold, Armoured Scout Vehicle, Germany, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C 1-
Hausser, Flak 8,8, Germany VK, 35 cm, Blech, LM, Z 2-
Hausser, Flak 8,8, Germany pw, tin, paint d., 35 cm, C 2-
Hausser, Krupp Mannschaftswagen, Germany, 26 cm, Blech, UW ok, feldgrau, 6 Mann Besatzung, Z 1-
Hausser, Krupp personnel carrier, Germany, tin, cw ok, field grey, 6 men crew, C 1-
Lineol, Kübelwagen, Germany VK, 25 cm, Blech, UW schwergängig, LM, Z 2-
Lineol, Kübelwagen, Germany pw, 25 cm, tin, cw stiff, paint d., C 2-
Lineol, Panzerspähwagen, Germany VK, 26 cm, Blech, UW hakt, LM, Z 2
Lineol, Armoured Scout Vehicle, Germany pw, 26 cm, tin, cw stuck, paint d., C 2
Lineol, Scheinwerferwagen, Germany VK, 34 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, ein Rad neu lackiert, Z 2
Lineol, search light car, Germany pw, 34 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., one wheel repainted, C 2
Arnold, Panzerwagen, Germany, 25 cm, Blech, UW ok, min LM, Z 2
Arnold, armoured vehicle, 25 cm, Germany, tin, cw ok, min paint d., C 2
Distler, Penny Toy Rotes Kreuz Lazarett, Germany VK, 10,5 cm, min. LM
Distler, Penny Toy Red Cross Field Hospital, Germany pw, 10,5cm, min. paint d.
Arnold, Radar Anhänger für Jeep, W.-Germany, 20 cm, Blech, LM, Z 2-3
Arnold, radar trailer for Jeep, W.-Germany, 20 cm, tin, paint d., C 2-3
Lineol, Geschütz 8/8, Germany VK, 40 cm, Blech, LM, RS, Z 3
Lineol, gun, Germany pw, 40 cm, tin, paint d., rust d., C 3
Tippco, Pionierauto, Feldküche geladen, Germany VK, 27 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, feldgrau, Z 2-3
Tippco, pioneer car, with field kitchen, Germany pw, 27 cm, tin, cw ok, LM, field grey, C 2-3
Hausser, Kübelwagen mit Geschütz, Germany VK, 40 cm, UW ok, Kupplung geklebt, Z 2-3
Hausser, car with gun, Germany pw, 40 cm, paint d., cw ok, coupling fixed, C 2-3
Hausser Nachbau, Krupp Mannschaftswagen, Germany, 24,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, Z 1-2
Hausser replica, Krupp personnel carrier, Germany, 24,5 cm, tin, cw ok, C 1-2
Arnold, Jeep, US-Zone Germany, UW ok, Z 2
Arnold, Jeep, US-Zone Germany, cw ok, C 2
Tippco, diverse Geschütze & Scheinwerfer, Germany VK, Blech, meist Z 2
Tippco, sev. guns & search light, Germany pw, tin, mostly C 2
Tippco, Achtrad Panzerspähwagen, Germany VK, 24,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, teilw. ausgebessert, Z 2-3
Tippco, eight-wheel armoured scout car, Germany pw, 24.5 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., part. refinishe...
Tippco, Flugzeug E-27, Germany VK, 27 cm, Blech, UW ok, komplett restauriert
Tippco, plane E-27, Germany pw, tin, cw ok, 27 cm, complete restored
Britains, Garten, Figuren Szene, England, Zinn, sehr dekorativ, min. LM, sehr guter Zustand
Britains, garden figures park scene, England, pewter, very decorative, min. paint d., very good condition
Tippco, D-OLAF Flugzeug, Germany VK, 30cm, Blech, UW ok, Heck ersetzt, Z 2
Tippco, D-OLAF airplane, Germany pw, 30cm, tin, cw ok, rear replaced, C 2
Hausser, Geschütz, Germany VK, 47 cm, Guss, min. LM, Z 2+
Hausser, gun, Germany pw, 47 cm, min. paint d., C 2+
Tippco, Sanitätsauto, Germany VK, 24 cm, Blech, UW ok, feldgrau, mit Trage, Z 2-
Tippco, ambulance, Germany pw, 24 cm, tin, cw ok, field grey, with stretcher, C 2-
Tippco, Scheinwerferwagen, Germany VK, 25 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Mimikry, Z 2
Tippco, search light vehicle, Germany pw, 25 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., mimikry, C 2