Hausser, Westernlok + 2 Wagen, W.-Germany, für 7 cm Figuren, Kst, Okt Z 2+, Peilstangen + Verbindungsstege fehlen, Z 2+/2-
Hausser, Westernloco + 2 Wagons, W.-Germany, plastic, box C 2+, drive rods...
Hausser, Sanitäts Kutsche, Germany VK, 24 cm, Blech + Masse, Z 1/1-
Hausser, Ambulance Carriage, Germany pw, tin + composite, C 1/1-
Hausser, Flak auf Sockel No 718, Germany VK, 12 cm, Blech, Z 2+
Hausser, Flak on Socle No 718, Germany pw, tin, C 2+
Lineol, Elektrischer Scheinwerfer auf Sockel No 840, Germany VK, Blech, Z 2+
Lineol, Electrical Spot Light on Socle No 840, Germany pw, tin, C 2+
Hausser, Geschütz No 716, Germany VK, Blech, für 7 cm Figuren, Z 2+
Hausser, Cannon No 716, Germany pw, tin, C 2+
Hausser, Minenwerfer No 722, Germany VK, 11 cm, Blech, Z 2
Hausser, Trench Mortar No 722, Germany pw, tin, C 2
Elastolin, Panzer Kommandant, Germany VK, 4 cm, min. LM, mit original Wanne für 8 Rad Spähwagen, selten, Z 2-
Elastolin, Tank Commander, Germany pw, min. paint d., with original tub for 8 wheel sco...
Lineol/Elastolin, Gespann Pferde, Mörser, Meldehund + 9 Soldaten, Germany VK, Masse, gemischter Zustand, meist gut
Lineol/Elastolin, Pair of Horses, Mortar, Messenger Dog + 9 Soldiers, Germany pw,...
Hausser, Westwall Bunker 13486, Germany VK, 48x25x13 cm, Masse + Holz, Z 2
Hausser, Westwall Bunker 13486, Germany pw, composite + wood, C 2
Hausser, 3 Bunker, Germany VK, für 7 cm Figuren, Masse + Holz, erste Serie vor 1920, Z 2
Hausser, 3 Bunkers, Germany pw, composite + wood, first series before 1930, C 2
Elastolin, Lineol: 7 Eisenbahnfiguren, Germany VK, 5-7 cm, Masse, teilw. Masseschäden, gemischter Zustand
Elastolin, Lineol: 7 Railway Figures, Germany pw, composite (part. damaged), mixed conditio...
Elastolin, "Die Welt der Fische" (50 Wassertiere), W.-Germany, 3-5,5 cm, Kst, Okt Z 1, Z 1
Elastolin, "Die Welt der Fische" (50 Water Animals), W.-Germany, plastic, box C 1, C 1
CBG, Schiffe Display "Landung in der Normandie", France, Box 29x14 cm, Druckguss, Okt Z 3, Z 1-
CBG, Ship Display "Landung in der Normandie", France, diecast, box C 3, C 1-
Elastolin, 15 Indianer + Cowboys + 2x Zubehör, Germany, 7 cm, Masse, meist guter Zustand
Elastolin, 15 Indians + Cowboys + 2x Accessories, Germany, composite, mostly good condition
Elastolin, 18 Cowboys + Indianer, Germany, 7 cm, Masse, meist guter Zustand
Elastolin, 18 Cowboys + Indians, Germany, composite, mostly good condition
Elastolin, Postkutsche + 22 Figuren, W.-Germany, 7 cm, Kst, Okt Z 1/1-, Z 1-
Elastolin, Post Carriage + 22 Figures, W.-Germany, plastic, box C 1/1-, C 1-
Elastolin, Postkutsche + 22 Figuren, Okt Z 1/1-, Z 1-
Elastolin, Post Carriage + 22 Figures, box C 1/1-, C 1-
Elastolin u.a., Indianer, Cowboy + Zubehör, Germany VK, 7 cm, Kst, meist guter Zustand
Elastolin a.o., Indians, Cowboy + Accessories, Germany pw, plastic, mostly good condition
Elastolin, 16 Figuren, W.-Germany, 7 cm, Kst, Okt Z 1/1-, Z 1-
Elastolin, 16 Figures, W.-Germany, plastic, box C 1/1-, C 1-
Elastolin, 8 Eisenbahnfiguren, Germany, 7 cm, Masse, Z 2+
Elastolin, 8 Railway Figures, Germany, composite, C 2+
Elastolin, Bäckerei, Figuren 10 cm, mit 7 Figuren, bitte besichtigen
Elastolin, Bakery, with 7 figures, please inspect
Elastolin, 9 Marinesoldaten, Germany VK, 7 cm, Masse, Z 1/1-
Elastolin, 9 Marines, Germany pw, out of composite, C 1/1-
Elastolin, 6 Admirale in Sommeruniform, Germany VK, 7 cm, Masse, wohl aus Sonderbestellung Hausser /Elastolin, extrem selten !
Elastolin, 6 Admirals with Summer Uniform, Germany pw, out of composit...
Lineol/Elastolin, Tiere, 8-18 cm, Masse, meist guter Zustand
Lineol/Elastolin, Animals, out of composite, mostly good condition