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76th Toy and Advertising Auction

Completed | Default auction

02.03.2018 – 03.03.2018

96 Results


Schuco, 14 Arche Noah Tiere

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 240 EUR

Schuco, 14 Arche Noah Tiere, W.-Germany, Okt Z 1/1-, meist sehr guter Zustand

Schuco, 14 Animals Noah's Ark, W.-Germany, box C 1/1-, mostly very good condition


Schuco, 4 Bärchen

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 120 EUR

Schuco, 4 Bärchen, Germany, 6,5-10,5 cm, Z 1

Schuco, 4 Little Bears, Germany, C 1


Schuco, 4 Affen

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 110 EUR

Schuco, 4 Affen, Germany, 6-8 cm, Z 1-/2+

Schuco, 4 Monkeys, Germany, C 1-/2+


Schuco, 4 Affen

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 120 EUR

Schuco, 4 Affen, Germany, 6-9 cm, Z 1

Schuco, 4 Monkeys, Germany, C 1


Erzgebirge, Candy Container "Storch mit Hase"

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

Erzgebirge, Candy Container "Storch mit Hase", Germany VK, 14 cm, Papiermachee, Z 1-2

Erzgebirge, Candy Container "Stork with Rabbit", Germany pw, paper machee, C 1-2


Schuco, Yes No Affe + Katze

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 130 EUR

Schuco, Yes No Affe + Katze, Germany, 13 + 15,2 cm, Funktion ok, Z 1

Schuco, Yes No Monkey + Cat, Germany, function ok, C 1


Erzgebirge, Candy Container "Kaiser Napoleon"

Starting price 60 EUR

Erzgebirge, Candy Container "Kaiser Napoleon", Germany VK, 20 cm, Papiermachee, Z 1-2

Candy Container "Kaiser Napoleon", Germany pw, paper machee, C 1-2


Steiff, Bär, Affe, Eichhörnchen + Hund

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 30 EUR

Steiff, Bär, Affe, Eichhörnchen + Hund, Germany, 15-27 cm, Bär etwas abgeliebt, sonst guter Zustand

Steiff, Bear, Monkey, Squirrel + Dog, Germany, bear slightly worn out, otherwise good condition


Steiff, Harlequin Clown von 1915

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 340 EUR

Steiff, Harlequin Clown von 1915, Germany VK, 77 cm, Strümpfe genäht, Kleidung ausgeblichen, 1 Schuh fehlt, sonst guter Zustand

Steiff, Harlequin Clown from 1915, Germany pw, socks sewed, 1 shoe mi...


Emmett Kelly's Willie the Clown (50er Jahre)

Starting price 50 EUR

Emmett Kelly's Willie the Clown (50er Jahre), 53 cm, Stoffkörper, Z 1-

Emmett Kelly's Willie the Clown (from the 50s), fabric body, C 1-


Märklin, Kinderherd mit elektrischen Kochplatten

Starting price 650 EUR

Märklin, Kinderherd mit elektrischen Kochplatten, Germany VK, 39x29 cm, Blech, 30er Jahre, Z 1-

Märklin, Children's Cooker with electrical Hobs, Germany pw, tin, from the 30s, C 1-


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere + Pinnocchio

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 100 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere + Pinocchio, Germany, 20-70 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals + Pinocchio, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Tiere

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 100 EUR

Steiff, Tiere, Germany, 19-40 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Animals, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff, Tiere

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 160 EUR

Steiff, Tiere, Germany, 13-36 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Animals, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff u.a., Studio Buntspecht + Tiere

Starting price 120 EUR
Result: 220 EUR

Steiff u.a., Studio Buntspecht + Tiere, meist neuwertig, Fundgrube

Steiff a.o., Great Spotted Woodpecker + Animals, mostly as new, treasure trove


Steiff, Schuco: Tiere + Figuren

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 1.050 EUR

Steiff, Schuco: Tiere + Figuren, Germany, 13-25 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Schuco: Animals + Figures, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff, 8 Bären

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 110 EUR

Steiff, 8 Bären, Germany, 14-38 cm, großer Zotty beschädigt, sonst Z 2+/2

Steiff, 8 Bears, Germany, big Zotty damaged, otherwise C 2+/2-


Steiff ?, 2 Bären

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 200 EUR

Steiff ?, 2 Bären, Germany VK, 30 + 32 cm, 1x Z 4 + 1x Z 2

Steiff ?, 2 Bears, Germany pw, 1x C 4 + 1x C 2


Steiff, 5 Figuren + 1 Handpuppe

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 300 EUR

Steiff, 5 Figuren + 1 Handpuppe, Germany, 13-26 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, 5 Figures + 1 Hand Puppet, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Tiere + Bälle

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 170 EUR

Steiff, Tiere + Bälle, Germany, 15-30 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Animals + Balls, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff, Wollminiaturen

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 550 EUR

Steiff, Wollminiaturen, Germany, 6-12 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Wool Miniatures, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 600 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 13-30 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 500 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 8-22 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, 8 Handpuppen + 4 Fingerpuppen

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 380 EUR

Steiff, 8 Handpuppen + 4 Fingerpuppen, Germany, 8 + 15 cm, neuwertig

Steiff, 8 Hand Puppets + 4 Finger Puppets, Germany, as new

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