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76th Toy and Advertising Auction

Completed | Default auction

02.03.2018 – 03.03.2018

89 Results


Steiff, Bär

Starting price 180 EUR
Result: 2.200 EUR

Steiff, Bär, Germany VK, 45 cm, sehr schöner Ausdruck

Steiff, Bear, Germany pw, very nice face


Steiff, Vögel

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 2.000 EUR

Steiff, Vögel, Germany, 6-17 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Birds, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff, Schuco: Tiere + Figuren

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 1.050 EUR

Steiff, Schuco: Tiere + Figuren, Germany, 13-25 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand

Steiff, Schuco: Animals + Figures, Germany, mostly very good condition


Steiff, 6 kleine Bären

Starting price 150 EUR
Result: 750 EUR

Steiff, 6 kleine Bären, teilw. Germany VK, 9-12 cm, meist guter Zustand

Steiff, 6 little Bears, part. Germany pw, mostly good condition


Steiff, Schuco: 7 Figuren

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 650 EUR

Steiff, Schuco: 7 Figuren, Germany, 10-15 cm, Z 1/2+

Steiff, Schuco: 7 Figures, Germany, C 1/2+


Steiff u.a., Tiere + Figuren

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 650 EUR

Steiff u.a., Tiere + Figuren, W.-Germany, 8-35 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff a.o., Animals + Figures, W.-Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 600 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 13-30 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, 3 Hasen

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 600 EUR

Steiff, 3 Hasen, Germany VK, 9-18 cm, 2x Z 2+ + 1x Z 2-

Steiff, 3 Rabbits, Germany pw, 2x C 2+ + 1x C 2-


Steiff, Max & Moritz + 8 Meckies

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 600 EUR

Steiff, Max & Moritz + 8 Meckies, W.-Germany, 10 cm, Z 1-/2

Steiff, Max & Moritz + 8 Meckies, W.-Germany, C 1-/2


Steiff, Wollminiaturen

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 550 EUR

Steiff, Wollminiaturen, Germany, 6-12 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Wool Miniatures, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 550 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 20-30 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany,mostly as new


Steiff, Wolltiere (Fische, Vögel u.a,)

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 550 EUR

Steiff, Wolltiere (Fische, Vögel u.a.), neuwertig

Steiff, Animals out of Wool (Fishes, birds a.o.,) as new


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 500 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 8-22 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, Vögel, Igel + Stinktier

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 500 EUR

Steiff, Vögel, Igel + Stinktier, W.-Germany, 6-17 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Birds, Hedgehog + Skunk, W.-Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, 8 Handpuppen + 4 Fingerpuppen

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 380 EUR

Steiff, 8 Handpuppen + 4 Fingerpuppen, Germany, 8 + 15 cm, neuwertig

Steiff, 8 Hand Puppets + 4 Finger Puppets, Germany, as new


Bing, Puppenherd

Starting price 250 EUR
Result: 380 EUR

Bing, Puppenherd, Germany VK, 32x21x13 cm, Blech, min. LM, schöner Originalzustand

Bing, Doll's Oven, Germany pw, tin, min. paint d., nice original condition


Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere + Großer Bär

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 360 EUR

Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere + Großer Bär, W.-Germany, 22-60 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, large Bundle Animals + Big Bear, W.-Germany, mostly as new


Schildkröt, 3 Puppen

Starting price 90 EUR
Result: 360 EUR

Schildkröt, 3 Puppen, W.-Germany, 26-44 cm, 2x Okt Z 2/2-, neuwertig

Schildkröt, 3 Dolls, W.-Germany, 2x box C 2/2-, as new


Steiff, Harlequin Clown von 1915

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 340 EUR

Steiff, Harlequin Clown von 1915, Germany VK, 77 cm, Strümpfe genäht, Kleidung ausgeblichen, 1 Schuh fehlt, sonst guter Zustand

Steiff, Harlequin Clown from 1915, Germany pw, socks sewed, 1 shoe mi...


Schuco, 3 Mascot Figuren + 14 Tiere

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 340 EUR

Schuco, 3 Mascot Figuren + 14 Tiere, W.-Germany, 5-10 cm, 5x Okt Z 2, meist sehr guter Zustand

Schuco, 3 Mascot Figures + 14 Animals, W.-Germany, 5x box c 2, mostly very good condition


Steiff, Wolltiere

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 340 EUR

Steiff, Wolltiere, W.-Germany, meist neuwertig

Steiff, Animals out of Wool, mostly as new


Schildkröt, 3 Packungen Celluloid Puppen + 2 Puppen

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 340 EUR

Schildkröt, 3 Packungen Celluloid Puppen + 2 Puppen, 16-29 cm, meist neuwertig

Schildkröt, 3 Boxes with Dolls out of Celluloide + 2 Dolls, mostly as new


Steiff, 5 Figuren + 1 Handpuppe

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 300 EUR

Steiff, 5 Figuren + 1 Handpuppe, Germany, 13-26 cm, meist neuwertig

Steiff, 5 Figures + 1 Hand Puppet, Germany, mostly as new


Steiff, 2 Spinnen + 2 Salamander

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 300 EUR

Steiff, 2 Spinnen + 2 Salamander, Germany, 11-30 cm, Z 1/2+

Steiff, 2 Spiders + 2 Salamanders, Germany, C 1/2+

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