Steiff, Bär, Germany VK, 45 cm, sehr schöner Ausdruck
Steiff, Bear, Germany pw, very nice face
Steiff, Vögel, Germany, 6-17 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand
Steiff, Birds, Germany, mostly very good condition
Steiff, Schuco: Tiere + Figuren, Germany, 13-25 cm, meist sehr guter Zustand
Steiff, Schuco: Animals + Figures, Germany, mostly very good condition
Steiff, 6 kleine Bären, teilw. Germany VK, 9-12 cm, meist guter Zustand
Steiff, 6 little Bears, part. Germany pw, mostly good condition
Steiff, Schuco: 7 Figuren, Germany, 10-15 cm, Z 1/2+
Steiff, Schuco: 7 Figures, Germany, C 1/2+
Steiff u.a., Tiere + Figuren, W.-Germany, 8-35 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff a.o., Animals + Figures, W.-Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 13-30 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, 3 Hasen, Germany VK, 9-18 cm, 2x Z 2+ + 1x Z 2-
Steiff, 3 Rabbits, Germany pw, 2x C 2+ + 1x C 2-
Steiff, Max & Moritz + 8 Meckies, W.-Germany, 10 cm, Z 1-/2
Steiff, Max & Moritz + 8 Meckies, W.-Germany, C 1-/2
Steiff, Wollminiaturen, Germany, 6-12 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Wool Miniatures, Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 20-30 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany,mostly as new
Steiff, Wolltiere (Fische, Vögel u.a.), neuwertig
Steiff, Animals out of Wool (Fishes, birds a.o.,) as new
Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere, Germany, 8-22 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Big Bundle Animals, Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, Vögel, Igel + Stinktier, W.-Germany, 6-17 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Birds, Hedgehog + Skunk, W.-Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, 8 Handpuppen + 4 Fingerpuppen, Germany, 8 + 15 cm, neuwertig
Steiff, 8 Hand Puppets + 4 Finger Puppets, Germany, as new
Bing, Puppenherd, Germany VK, 32x21x13 cm, Blech, min. LM, schöner Originalzustand
Bing, Doll's Oven, Germany pw, tin, min. paint d., nice original condition
Steiff, Großes Konvolut Tiere + Großer Bär, W.-Germany, 22-60 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, large Bundle Animals + Big Bear, W.-Germany, mostly as new
Schildkröt, 3 Puppen, W.-Germany, 26-44 cm, 2x Okt Z 2/2-, neuwertig
Schildkröt, 3 Dolls, W.-Germany, 2x box C 2/2-, as new
Steiff, Harlequin Clown von 1915, Germany VK, 77 cm, Strümpfe genäht, Kleidung ausgeblichen, 1 Schuh fehlt, sonst guter Zustand
Steiff, Harlequin Clown from 1915, Germany pw, socks sewed, 1 shoe mi...
Schuco, 3 Mascot Figuren + 14 Tiere, W.-Germany, 5-10 cm, 5x Okt Z 2, meist sehr guter Zustand
Schuco, 3 Mascot Figures + 14 Animals, W.-Germany, 5x box c 2, mostly very good condition
Steiff, Wolltiere, W.-Germany, meist neuwertig
Steiff, Animals out of Wool, mostly as new
Schildkröt, 3 Packungen Celluloid Puppen + 2 Puppen, 16-29 cm, meist neuwertig
Schildkröt, 3 Boxes with Dolls out of Celluloide + 2 Dolls, mostly as new
Steiff, 5 Figuren + 1 Handpuppe, Germany, 13-26 cm, meist neuwertig
Steiff, 5 Figures + 1 Hand Puppet, Germany, mostly as new
Steiff, 2 Spinnen + 2 Salamander, Germany, 11-30 cm, Z 1/2+
Steiff, 2 Spiders + 2 Salamanders, Germany, C 1/2+