Schuco, Preusse mit Trommel, Germany VK, 16 cm, GemBw, UW ok, LM, Z 2-
Schuco, Prussian with Drum, Germany pw, mixed constr., cw ok, paint d., C 2-
Schuco, Schwein mit Geige, Germany, 12 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-2
Schuco, Pig with Violin, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-2
Schuco, Bayer mit Kind, Germany, 13 cm, GemBw, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2
Schuco, Bavarian with Child, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, min. paint d., C 2
Schuco, Faschist mit Trommel, Germany VK, 13 cm, GemBw, UW ok, LM im Gesicht, Z 2-
Schuco, Fascist with Drum, Germany pw, mixed constr., cw ok, paint d. on face, C 2-
Schuco, Soldat mit Trommel, Germany VK, 13 cm, GemBw, min. LM, Gesicht min. farblich ausgebessert, Z 2
Schuco, Soldier with Drum, Germany pw, min. paint d., paint on face min. refinished, C 2
Schuco, Hase mit Kind, Germany, 11 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 2+
Schuco, Rabbit with Child, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 2+
Schuco, Schimpanse, Germany VK, 14 cm, GemBw, UW ok, LM, Stoff beschädigt, Z 3-
Schuco, Chimpanzee, Germany pw, mixed constr., cw ok, paint d., fabric damaged, C 3-
Schuco, Schimpanse mit Zylinder, Germany VK, 15 cm, GemBw, Zylinder min. verbeult, UW ok, Z 2
Schuco, Chimpanzee with Top Hat, Germany pw, mixed constr., top hat min. dented, cw ok, C 2
Schuco, Vater mit Krug, Germany VK, 13 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-
Schuco, Father with Jug, Germany pw, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-
Schuco, Purzel Bär, Germany, 13 cm, UW schwergängig, Z 1-
Schuco, Tumbling Bear, Germany, cw stiff, C 1-
Schuco, Purzel Bär, Germany, 13 cm, UW ok, Z 1
Schuco, Tumbling Bear, Germany, cw ok, C 1
Schuco, Purzel Affe, Germany, 10 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-2
Schuco, Tumbling Monkey, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-2
Schuco, Purzel Clown + Purzel Affe, Germany, 9 cm, UW ok, Filz an Händen fehlt, sonst guter Zustand, Z 2
Schuco, Tumbling Clown + Tumbling Monkey, Germany, cw ok, felt on hands missing, otherwise g...
Schuco, Purzel Maus, Germany, 12 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-2
Schuco, Tumbling Mouse, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-2
Schuco, Purzel Bär, 10 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-
Schuco, Tumbling Bear, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-
Schuco, 2 Purzel Mäuse, Germany, 10 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Filz an Händen fehlt, sonst guter Zustand
Schuco, 2 Tumbling Mice, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, felt of hands missing, otherwise good conditi...
Schuco, Purzel Turn Clown, Germany, 10 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Okt Z 1-, Z 1-2
Schuco, Tumbling Gymnast Clown, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, box C 1-, C 1-2
Schuco, Turn Maus, US Z. Germany, 10 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-
Schuco, Gymnast Mouse, US Z. Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-
Schuco, Hegi, Mascott Figur Minnie Mouse, 9,5 cm, 1x Filz der Hand fehlt, Z 2
Schuco, Hegi, Mascott Figure Minnie Mouse, 1x felt of hand missing, C 2
Schuco, 2x Solisto, Clown mit Geige + Affe mit Trommel, Germany, 12 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Okt Z 1, unbespielte Lagerware, Z 1
Schuco, 2x Solisto, Clown with Violin + Monkey with Drum, Germany, mixed co...
Schuco, Bayer mit Mädchen, Germany, 13 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1
Schuco, Bavarian with Maiden, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1
Schuco, Bayer mit Krug + Bayer mit Kind, Germany, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1/2-
Schuco, Bavarian with Jug + Bavarian with Child, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1/2-
Schuco, Münchner Kindl, Germany, 12 cm,. GemBw, UW ok, Z 1
Schuco, Münchner Kindl, Germany, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1
Schuco Nachbau, Affe mit Krug + Zylinder, Japan, 14 cm, Celluloid, UW ok, Z 2+
Schuco Reproduction, Monkey with Jug + Top Hat, Japan, out of celluloide, cw ok, C 2+