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85th Toy Auction

Completed | Default auction

19.06.2020 – 20.06.2020

50 Results


The Advance Doll + Toy Co., Mr. Atom

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 100 EUR

The Advance Doll + Toy Co., Mr. Atom, Japan, 45 cm, Kst, Fuktion defekt, optisch guter Zustand

The Advance Doll + Toy Co., Mr. Atom, Japan, plastic, function defective, visually good condition


Rosko, Pom Pom Panzer X-10

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 90 EUR

Rosko, Pom Pom Panzer X-10, Japan, 33 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, min. LM, Z 1-2

Rosko, Pom Pom Tank X-10, Japan, tin, function ok, min. paint d., C 1-2


Konvolut Space Toys

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 90 EUR

Konvolut Space Toys, Funktion nicht geprüft, Fundgrube, teilw. Mängel, bitte besichtigen

Bundle Space Toys, function not checked, treasure trove, part. defects, please inspect


Cosmo Pistol in Space

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 90 EUR

Cosmo Pistol in Space, Hong Kong, 26 cm, Kst, Funktion ok, Okt, Z 1-2

Cosmo Pistol in Space, Hong Kong, plastic, function ok, original box, C 1-2


2x Händlerbox: Space Ship + Midgettoy Buck Rogers Space Ship

Starting price 80 EUR
Result: 90 EUR

2x Händlerbox: Space Ship + Midgettoy Buck Rogers Space Ship, Japan + USA, je 1 Model, Okt: min. Altersspuren, sonst sehr guter Zustand

2x Trader's Box: Space Ship + Midgettoy Buck Rogers Space Shi...


Tin Tom Toy, Smoking Spaceman

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 80 EUR

Tin Tom Toy, Smoking Spaceman, 30 cm, GemBw, Funktion ok, min. LM, Okt Z 1-, Z 1-

Tin Tom Toy, Smoking Spaceman, mixed constr., function ok, min. paint d., box C 1-, C 1-


Konvolut Space Toys

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 80 EUR

Konvolut Space Toys, Fundgrube, teilw. Mängel, bitte besichtigen

Bundle Space Toys, treasure trove, part. defects, please inspect


Space Dart Guns + Galaxia Space Gun

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 80 EUR

Space Dart Guns + Galaxia Space Gun, Spain + Hong Kong, 40 + 62 cm, Kst, Z 1

Space Dart Guns + Galaxia Space Gun, Spain + Hong Kong, plastic, C 1


Space Ray Gun, HWN Gun + Flash X-1

Starting price 60 EUR
Result: 80 EUR

Space Ray Gun, HWN Gun + Flash X-1, Japan u.a., 12-25 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, Z 1-2

Space Ray Gun, HWN Gun + Flash X-1, Japan a.o., tin, function ok, C 1-2


4 Space Guns

Starting price 70 EUR
Result: 70 EUR

4 Space Guns, Spain u.a., 22-30 cm, Kst, 2x Okt, Z 1-2

4 Space Guns, Spain a.o., plastic, 2x original box, C 1-2


Gama, Space Panzer Y-10

Starting price 30 EUR
Result: 70 EUR

Gama, Space Panzer Y-10, W.-Germany, 20 cm, Blech, Bat. Antrieb ok, min. LM, ohne Antenne, sonst sehr guter Zustand

Gama, Space Tank Y-10, W.-Germany, tin, bat. drive ok, min. paint d., without an...


2 Mondfahrzeuge

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

2 Mondfahrzeuge, USSR, 18 + 19 cm, GemBw, Okt Z 2, Z 1-2

2 Moon Vehicles, USSR, mixed constr., box C 2, C 1-2


Horikawa, Attack Martian Robot

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

Horikawa, Attack Martian Robot, Japan, 24 cm, Kst, Bat. Antrieb + Funktion ok, LM, Chrom angelaufen, Z 2-

Horikawa, Attack Martian Robot, plastic, bat. drive + function ok, paint d., chrome faded, ...


Ha Ha Toys, Smoking Spaceman

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

Ha Ha Toys, Smoking Spaceman, 30,5 cm, Blech, Bat. Antrieb ok, Okt Z 1, Neuproduktion, Z 1

Ha Ha Toys, Smoking Spaceman, tin, bat. drive ok, box C 1, reproduction, C 1


Ha Ha Toys, Lantern Robot

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 55 EUR

Ha Ha Toys, Lantern Robot, 20 cm, Blech, Okt Z 1, Neuproduktion, Z 1

Ha Ha Toys, Lantern Robot, tin, box C 1, reproduction, C 1


SH, Radar Robot

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 50 EUR

SH, Radar Robot, Japan, 18 cm, Kst, UW ok, Okt Z 1, Z 1

SH, Radar Robot, Japan, plastic, cw ok, box C 1, C 1


Tom Corbett, Space Cadet Lunchbox

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 50 EUR

Tom Corbett, Space Cadet Lunchbox, 20,5 cm, Blech, original verpackt, Z 1

Tom Corbett, Space Cadet Lunchbox, tin, original packaging, C 1


Modern Toys, Space Tank M-18

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 50 EUR

Modern Toys, Space Tank M-18, Japan, 22 cm, Blech, Bat. Antrieb + Funktion ok, min. LM, Antenne geklebt, sonst guter Zustand, Z 2

Modern Toys, Space Tank M-18, Japan, tin, bat. drive + function ok,...


Horikawa, Roboter

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 50 EUR

Horikawa, Roboter, Japan, 42 cm, GemBw, Bat. Antrieb + Funkion ok, min. LM, Z 2-

Horikawa, Robot, Japan, mixed constr., bat. drive + function ok, min. paint d., C 2-


SH, Mars Gun

Starting price 40 EUR
Result: 40 EUR

SH, Mars Gun, Japan, 23,5 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, min. LM, Z 2

SH, Mars Gun, Japan, Japan, tin, function ok, min. paint d., C 2


5 Space Guns

Starting price 40 EUR
Result: 40 EUR

5 Space Guns, USA u.a., 13-24 cm, Kst, Z 2

5 Space Guns, USA a.o., plastic, C 2


Türk Mali, Ufo

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 30 EUR

Türk Mali, Ufo, Turkey, 17 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, Okt Z 1-, Kopf locker, sonst sehr guter Zustand, Z 1-2

Türk Mali, Ufo, Turkey, tin, friction ok, box C 1-, head loose, otherwise very good conditi...


Tin Tom Toys, Thunder Robot

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 30 EUR

Tin Tom Toys, Thunder Robot, 29 cm, GemBw, Funktion ok, Okt Z 1, Riss in Batteriefach, sonst Z 1, Reproduktion

Tin Tom Toys, Thunder Robot, mixed constr., function ok, box C 1, crack on battery cas...


Schylling, Martian Invader

Starting price 10 EUR
Result: 25 EUR

Schylling, Martian Invader, 24,5 cm, Blech, UW ok, Okt Z 1, Z 1, Reproduktion

Schylling, Martian Invader, tin, cw ok, box C 1, C 1, reproduction

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