Konvolut Modellautos, meist 1:43, Fundgrube, meist neuwertig
Bundle of model cars, mostly 1:43, treasure trove, mostly as new
Wiking, 50 Modelle unverglast, teilw. Mängel, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst
Wiking, 50 models unglazed, part. defects, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic
Wiking, 30 Modelle verglast + unverglast, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, teilw. min. Mängel
Wiking, 30 models glazed + unglazed, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, part. min. defects
Wiking, 50 verglaste Modelle, W.-Germany, 1:90
Wiking, 50 glazed models, W.-Germany, 1:90
Wiking, Konvolut Landwirtschaftsmodelle, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, agricutural models, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, Landwirtschaftsmodelle, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, agricultural models, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, Konvolut Warsteiner Modelle, W.-Germany, 1:90, Okt Z 1, Z 1
Wiking, bundle of Warsteiner models, W.-Germany, 1:90, box C 1, C 1
Wiking, 3 Werbemodelle, W.-Germany, 1:40 + 1:50, Kst, Okt Z 1, Z 1
Wiking, 3 advertising models, W.-Germany, 1:40 + 1:50, plastic, box C 1, C 1
Wiking, 80 verglaste Modelle, W.-Germany, 1:90, teilw. min. Mängel
Wiking, 80 glazed models, W.-Germany, 1:90, part. min. defects
Wiking, 8 LKWs, 2 Anhänger + 14 Verkehrszeichen 60er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 8 trucks, 2 trailer + 14 traffic signs from the 60s, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, 22 VW Modelle Käfer Typ 3, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, 60/70er Jahre, Z 1
Wiking, 22 VW models Käfer Typ 3, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, from the 60/70s, C 1
Wiking, 14 unverglaste Modelle, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 14 unglazed models, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, 23 unverglaste Modelle, 8x Zubehör + 7 Verkehrszeichen, W.-Germany, 1:90, Z 1
Wiking, 23 unglazed models, 8x accessories + 7 traffic signs, W.-Germany, 1:90, C 1
50 H0 Modelle verschiedener Hersteller, W.-Germany, Z 1
50 models gauge H0 from several producers, W.-Germany, C 1
Wiking, 30 LKWs (15x Okt) 70/80er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 30 trucks (15x original box) from the 70/80s, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, 34 LKWs + 15 Verkehrszeichen 60/70er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 34 trucks + 15 traffic signs from the 60/70s, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, 30 LKWs + 34 Verkehrszeichen, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 30 trucks + 34 traffic signs, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Wiking, 40 LKWs + 50 PKWs 70/80er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:90, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 40 trucks + 50 cars from the 70/80s, W.-Germany, 1:90, plastic, C 1
Anguplas, 18 Autos + 27 Ferrero Autos, 4-6 cm, Kst, Z 1/1-
Anguplas, 18 cars + 27 Ferrero cars, 4-6 cm, plastic, C 1/1-
Lego, 7 Autos, 1 Haus + Zubehör, Denmark, 1:90, Kst, Z 1/1-
Lego, 7 cars, 1 building + accessories, Denmark, 1:90, plastic, C 1/1-
Lego, Radio, 3 Tankstellen, 6 Fahrzeuge Z 1 + 6 Fahrzeuge mit Mängeln, Denmark, 1:90
Lego, radio, 3 petrol stations, 6 vehicles C 1 + 6 vehicles with defects, Denmark, 1:90
Hammer u.a., 22 Fahrzeuge, Kst, Z 1/1-
Hammer a.o., 22 vehicles, plastic, C 1/1-
Herpa u.a., 20 Sondereditionen, meist 1:90, Z 1
Herpa a.o., 20 special editions, mostly 1:90, C 1
Premot, 15 Fahrzeuge + Alfa Romeo (Anker), DDR, 1:90, Z 1/1-
Premot, 15 vehicles + Alfa Romeo (Anker), GDR, 1:90, C 1/1-