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94th Auction

Completed | Default auction

08.09.2022 – 10.09.2022

1176 Results



Starting price 40 EUR

Rennwagen, USA, 14 cm, Druckguss, LM

Racing car, USA, 14 cm, diecast, paint d.


Penny Toy Limousine

Starting price 40 EUR

Penny Toy Limousine, 13 cm, LM, Z 2-3

Penny Toy sedan, 13 cm, paint d., C 2-3


HWN, Flugzeug

Starting price 40 EUR

HWN, Flugzeug, US Z. Germany, 21 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, RS, Z 3

HWN, plane, US Z. Germany, 21 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., rust d., C 3


Schuco, 2x Patentauto 1010

Starting price 50 EUR

Schuco, 2x Patentauto 1010, US Z. Germany, 15 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Z 2-3

Schuco, 2x Patent car 1010, US Z. Germany, 15 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., C 2-3


Schuco, Examico 4001

Starting price 50 EUR

Schuco, Examico 4001, US Z. Germany, 15 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Scheibe fehlt, sonst sehr guter Zustand

Schuco, Examico 4001, US Z. Germany, 15 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., windshield missing,...


Codeg & OK, Triumph Motorcyclist

Starting price 50 EUR

Codeg & OK, Triumph Motorcyclist, Hong Kong, 13 cm, Kst, Okt Z 1, Z 1

Codeg & OK, Triumph Motorcyclist, Hong Kong, 13 cm, plastic, box C 1, C 1


Joustra, Militärflugzeug Nr. 0532

Starting price 50 EUR

Joustra, Militärflugzeug Nr. 0532, GemBw, Friktion ok, Okt Z 1-, Z 1-

Joustra, military plane No 0532, mixed constr., friction ok, box C 1-, C 1-


Touring Airplane MF 843

Starting price 50 EUR

Touring Airplane MF 843, China, 20 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, min. LM, Z 2+

Touring Airplane MF 843, China, 20 cm, tin, friction ok, min. paint d., C 2+


P.T.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor

Starting price 50 EUR

P.T.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor, Japan, 13 cm, Kst, Funktion nicht geprüft, Okt

.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor, Japan, 13 cm, plastic, function not tested, box


P.T.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor

Starting price 50 EUR

P.T.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor, Japan, 13 cm, Kst, Funktion nicht geprüft, Okt

P.T.D, 30 Union Craft Super Zoom Outboard Motor, Japan, 13 cm, plastic, function not checked, box


SK, VW Bus Polizei

Starting price 50 EUR

SK, VW Bus Polizei, Japan, 17 cm, Blech, Bat. Antrieb nicht geprüft, min. LM, Z 2+

SK, VW Bus "Polizei", Japan, 17 cm, tin, bat. drive not checked, min. paint d., C 2+


Fischer, Wendelimousine

Starting price 50 EUR

Fischer, Wendelimousine, US Z. Germany, 9 cm, Blech, Funktion ok, min. LM, Z 2

Fischer, turn around sedan, US Z. Germany, 9 cmtin, function ok, min. paint d., C 2


Coca Cola Truck

Starting price 50 EUR

Coca Cola Truck, Japan, 10 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, min. LM, Z 1-2

Coca Cola Truck, Japan, 10 cm, tin, friction ok, min. paint d., C 1-2


Shooting Boy MS 576

Starting price 50 EUR

Shooting Boy MS 576, China, 18 cm, GemBw, UW ok, Z 1-

Shooting Boy MS 576, China, 18 cm, mixed constr., cw ok, C 1-


ATC, Isuzu Dump Truck

Starting price 50 EUR

ATC, Isuzu Dump Truck, Japan, 23 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, Okt Z 1, Z 1

ATC, Isuzu Dump Truck, Japan, 23 cm, tin, friction ok, box C 1, C 1


Tippco, 2x Limousine für Autobahn

Starting price 50 EUR

Tippco, 2x Limousine für Autobahn, UW schwergängig, LM, 1x unkomplett, Z 2-3

Tippxo, 2x sedan for motorway, cw stiff, paint d., 1x incomplete, C 2-3


TN Nomura, Loop the Loop Monkey

Starting price 50 EUR

TN Nomura, Loop the Loop Monkey, Japan, 25 cm, GemBw, Funktion nicht geprüft, Okt, optisch sehr guter Zustand

TN Nomura, Loop the Loop Monkey, Japan, 25 cm, mixed constr., function not tested, box,...


TPS, Police Car Chase

Starting price 50 EUR

TPS, Police Car Chase, Japan, Blech, UW ok, Okt Z 1, Z 1

TPS, Police Car Chase, Japan, tin, cw ok, box C 1, C 1



Starting price 50 EUR

Chevrolet, Japan, 19 cm, Blech, UW ok, min. LM, Z 2+

Chevrolet, Japan, 19 cm, tin, cw ok, min. paint d., C 2+


Wells, englischer Gardereiter

Starting price 50 EUR

Wells, englischer Gardereiter, England, 15 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Z 2

Wells, English coat rider, England, 15 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., C 2


CKO Kellermann, Raddampfer No 287 N

Starting price 50 EUR

CKO Kellermann, Raddampfer No 287 N, Germany VK, 25 cm, Blech, UW defekt, LM, Z 3

CKO Kellermann, paddle steamer no 287 N, Germany pw, 25 cm, tin, cw defective, paint d., C 3


Arnold, Bulldozer

Starting price 50 EUR

Arnold, Bulldozer, W.-Germany, 27 cm, Blech, Funktion nicht geprüft, LM, Z 2-

Arnold, Bulldozer, W.-Germany, 27 cm, tin, function not tested, paint d., C 2-


Chevrolet, Road Service Truck

Starting price 50 EUR

Chevrolet, Road Service Truck, Japan, 21 cm, Blech, Friktion ok, LM, Okt Z 2-, Z 2

Chevrolet, Road Service Truck, Japan, 21 cm, tin, friction ok, paint d., box C 2-, C 2


Orobr, Lok

Starting price 50 EUR

Orobr, Lok, Germany VK, 15 cm, Blech, UW ok, LM, Bodenläufer, Z 3

Orobr, loco, Germany pw, 15 cm, tin, cw ok, paint d., no drive, C 3

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