Dinky Toys, Corgi: Pariser Bus, Traktor u.a., Great Britain, 1:47, Druckguss, LM, Z 2
Dinky Toys, Corgi: Paris Bus, Tractor a.o., Great Britain, 1:47, diecast, paint d., C 2
Siku, Matchbox: Konvolut Fahrzeuge, England, 6-8 cm, Druckguss, min. LM, Z 2
Siku, Matchbox: Bundle Vehicles, England, diecast, min. paint d., C 2
Wiking, 5 VW Busse, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 2+
Wiking, 5 VW Buses, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 2+
Wiking, 4 Sattelzüge + 3 LKWs, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 2+
Wiking, 4x Semitrailer + 3 Trucks, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 2+
Wiking, Fahrzeuge, Wohnwagen u.a., W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, sehr guter Zustand
Wiking, Vehicles, Caravans a.o., W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, very good condition
Wiking, 6 Busse, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, 1x Reifen + Boden beschädigt, Z 2
Wiking, 6x Bus, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, 1x tyre + bottom damaged, C 2
Wiking, 6 Busse, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 2
Wiking, 6 Buses, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 2
Wiking, 5 Büssing Busse + Straßenbahn, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, 5 Büssing Buses + Tram, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking u.a., 16 Fahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, guter Zustand
Wiking a.o., 16 Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, good condition
Wiking, Feuerwehr + Ambulanz Fahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, Fire Engine + Ambulance Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking + Roco, 12 Fahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87. Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking + Roco, 12 Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 12 Postfahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1
Wiking, 12 Post Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1
Wiking, LKWs 60er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, Trucks from the 60s, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 4 Baufahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, 2x Okt Z 2, Z 1-2
Wiking, 4 Construction Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, 2x box C 2, C 1-2
Wiking, Baufahrzeuge, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, Construction Vehicles, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 5x Feuerwehr, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, 5x Fire Engine, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 7 PKWs 60er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-
Wiking, 7 Cars from the 60s, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-
Wiking, Postfahrzeuge + 2 unverglaste VW Käfer, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-
Wiking, Post Vehicles + 2x unglazed VW Käfer, W.-Germany, 1:87. plastic, C 1-
Wiking, Brekina u.a., 38 PKWs, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, guter Zustand
Wiking, Brekina a.o., 38 Cars, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, good condition
Wiking, 17x Rettungswagen + Taxen, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, guter Zustand
Wiking, 17x Ambulance + Taxicab, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, good condition
Wiking u.a., 16 PKWs 60er Jahre, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking a.o., 16 Cars from the 60s, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 30x Post, Ambulanz + Feuerwehr, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Z 1-2
Wiking, 30x Post, Ambulance + Fire Engine, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, C 1-2
Wiking, 17 PKWs + 2 LKWs, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, 30-50er Jahre, Z 1-2
Wiking, 17 Cars + 2 Trucks, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, 30-50s, C 1-2
Wiking, 25 PKWs, W.-Germany, 1:87, Kst, Modelle der 60/70er Jahre, Z 1-2
Wiking, 25 Cars, W.-Germany, 1:87, plastic, models from the 60/70s, C 1-2