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95th Auction

Completed | Default auction

02.12.2022 – 03.12.2022

14 Results


Game & Watch, Micky & Donald + LCD Game Toms Adventure

Starting price 100 EUR
Result: 110 EUR

Game & Watch, Micky & Donald + LCD Game Toms Adventure, Funkt. ok, Z 1/1-

Game & Watch, micky & Donald + LCD Game Toms Adventure, funkt. ok, C 1/1-


Coleco Pac Man Automat + 3 Handkonsolen

Starting price 30 EUR
Result: 30 EUR

Coleco Pac Man Automat + 3 Handkonsolen, Funkt. teilw. ok, Z 2

Coleco Pac Man maschine + 3 hand consoles, funct. part ok, C 2


Konvolut, Handkonsolen und Taschenspiele

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 70 EUR

Konvolut, Handkonsolen und Taschenspiele, teil. OVP, Z meist 1

bundle, hand console and pocket games, part. original box, C mostly 1


1x Nintendo Gamecube + Matte , 1x PS 2 + 1x NES

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 200 EUR

1x Nintendo Gamecube + Matte , 1x PS 2 + 1x NES, Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren

1x Nintendo Gamecube + mat, 1x PS 2 + 1x NES, traces of age and usage


Yugioh, 3 Tin Boxen, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Majestic Star Dragon, Majestic Red Dragon

Starting price 30 EUR
Result: 150 EUR

Yugioh, 3 Tin Boxen, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Majestic Star Dragon, Majestic Red Dragon, OVP, Z 1

Yugioh, 3 tin boxes, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Majestic Star Dragon, Majestic Red Dragon, factory sealed, ...


Yugioh, 2 Tin Boxen + Spielmatte

Starting price 30 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

Yugioh, 2 Tin Boxen (2016) + Spielmatte, OVP, Z 1

Yugioh, 2 tin boxes (2016) + playmat, factory sealed, C 1


Yugioh, 15 Booster

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 80 EUR

Yugioh, 15 Booster, OVP, Z 1

Yugioh, 15 booster, factory sealed, C 1


Yugioh, 15 Booster

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 60 EUR

Yugioh, 15 Booster, OVP, Z 1

Yugioh, 15 booster, factory sealed, C 1


Pokemon, 5 Karten, graded

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 70 EUR

Pokemon, 5 Karten, graded, cardmarket grading, 8-8,5

Pokemon, 5 cards, graded, 8-8,5


Pokemon, 4 Karten, graded

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 70 EUR

Pokemon, 4 Karten, graded, cardmarket grading, 8-8,5

Pokemon, 4 cards, graded, 8-8,5


Booster Box, Stargate SG1

Starting price 20 EUR
Result: 30 EUR

Booster Box, Stargate SG1, OVP, Z 1

Booster box, Stargate SG 1, factory sealed, C 1


2 Booster Boxen, Lego + Star Wars

Starting price 20 EUR
Result: 40 EUR

2 Booster Boxen, Lego + Star Wars, Z 1

2 booster boxes, Lego + Star Wars, C 1


Magic, Großes Konvolut Karten überwiegend Chronicle, vierte Edition

Starting price 50 EUR
Result: 100 EUR

Magic, Großes Konvolut Karten, umfangreiche Sammlung, überwiegend Chronicle, vierte Edition, bitte besichtigen

Magic, bundle cars, extensive collection, mostly chronicle, 4. edition, please inspect


Topps, Match Attack Bundesliga 2009/2010 Händlerkarton mit Sammeldosen

Starting price 20 EUR
Result: 40 EUR

Topps, Match Attack Bundesliga 2009/2010 Händlerkarton mit Sammeldosen, 48 Stück, Z 1

Topps, Match Attack Bundesliga 2009/2010 traders box with tin boxes, 48 boxes, C 1

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